Reflection Paper

    Its been kind of a journey in Critical Thinking. I can look back to the beginning of the semester (which feels not long ago), and think about how much media I consume. Honestly, the answer: A LOT. The media that is always surrounding really takes a toll on my life. Everywhere I go, even at home just chillin, there would be some kind of ad popping in my face, whether its stickers, tote bags, or even mugs. This may seem like not a big deal, however these messages that are being taken in every day influences the way I see the world even subconsciously.
     Despite this, lately, as I take note of all the media surrounding me both online, or just walking down a street, really takes me by surprise by all the messages being sent. It did change the way I approached media now that I have been aware of it. It really showed how much is actually shaping my reality and value assumptions, and the different techniques used to draw my attention. Lots of billboards now are digital, showing even more media and advertising than usual. These advertisements get more and more bold, and most of the time plays on love mark or uses pathos.
    Even when I become more aware of the media, I don't think my habits on it really make a difference except for how I viewed it. Mostly, I think its because, in my mindset, I believe that just being aware and not completely buying the messages they send is one of the more essential types of action rather than direct habits. Also, I've accepted the fact that media plays a large role, and I see it more as unavoidable. Besides, being an educated consumer would allow people to not buy into the misleading messages and believe in the presented values. By being aware of the media, it could also help consumers from avoiding reality assumptions that do not exactly define reality. For example, by being aware of the messages and techniques that Nike uses on viewers, it could help consumers see that the presented option or definition of strength or success is completely what strength and success is. By understanding this, it could help consumers feel more satisfied with themselves, instead of always experiencing cognitive dissonance.
    Overall, what I got out of keeping these entries was the different expressions, communications, and messages that are constantly being sent in the media. Whether its music, advertisements or trends in Youtube, etc... media does serve as a kind of culture or coming together in a communal way. However, because media is so powerful, its also crucial to be aware of the direct and indirect messages that also could be sent.


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